Okaihau College
Whanaungatanga, Rangatiratanga, Taha Wairua
Okaihau College is located in Okaihau which is in the heart of Te Tai Tokerau. We offer a modern and welcoming learning environment, with committed and supportive teaching and support staff. We provide our students with a culturally rich and authentic educational experience and are committed to providing an education which nurtures intelligence and lifelong learning, encourages achievement, creativity, confidence and fosters relationships between home and school.
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The Breeze is published weekly, with the latest news & events from our students & staff.
Kia Ora - Get In Touch
Main Office Hours
Monday to Friday:
8:00am to 3.30pm (extension 200)
09 401 9030
Okaihau College
58 Settlers Way
RD 1, Okaihau, 0475